About Us

After using numerous Classified websites and B to B trading portal of different countries, wasting
precious resources and time of our lives we got frustrated with E- Classified websites and
indulged in many brain storming sessions for a broader social cause;

that how to help millions of classified-websites users like ourselves as well as Classified-Website

Ultimately we pioneered,

“Patent Pending”

World’s first Revolutionary Web-Tool, that is;

Useful, Intuitive, Unique yet simple and changing

the eMarketPlace worldwide.

ePriceNegotiator.com is a subsidiary of TechLabs USA INC.,

a Privately held debt-free and profitable company, headquartered in,

The Silicon Alley, New York City.

Our innovative team consists of:

Ex. Attorney: M.A. LL.B.

Who has long experience in the fields of Information-Technology, Real -Estate negotiations, Business Negotiations and Auto and general Insurance.

I.T. Professionals:

Who have M.S. & B.S. degrees in Computer Science & Programming-Courses from N.Y.U. New York and other prestigious universities and many years of combined experience working in Fortune 500 companies.

Business Consultant:

M.B.A. (Business & Finance) with diversified experience.


M.A. English with long international experience.

Focus Groups:

Our focus groups consist of;

internet users from 20 countries, highly educated to school dropouts and all age groups.

After nearly two years of development, testing and feedback, public beta was launched.

We welcome all comments, suggestions, contributions and indeed all feedback from users and webmasters in an honest endeavor of making it “The best tool in the eMarketPlace”.

ePriceNegotiator contains Copyrighted & Patent Pending technology software that is protected by copyright law and international treaties.The names of actual companies and products mentioned throughout this site may be the trademarks and or Patents of their respective owners. Unauthorized reproduction of thissoftware, or any portion thereof, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.